Saturday, September 01, 2007

Chao Du

Time really passed so fast. Dad has passed away for one yr. Wonder how is he now and what he is doing. Cannot help to miss him. The family members miss him in different ways ; Lianting visit dad 3 times per week in the Toa Payoh temple, she told me just few weeks back she cannot get used to the daily 3pm to talk to dad and now that dad is no longer around, her miss is intense so she decided to visit him and talk to him in the temple. I cried inside when I hear this. Becos I was pregnant, somehow my miss for dad is minimised cos I have a big tummy to take care.
Mum's miss for dad is the continued nags that dad did not blessed him to strike 4D or TOTO. Mum lost someone so dearly to her and no longer can't nag personally. Two weeks ago, we participated in the yearly Chao Du at Xian Gu temple. We are happy cos this is the only time and chance we can talk to dad and get to know his well-being. Xian Gu told Gor Kim that dad is very very sad and cant bear to return to their homes, we teared when we hear this. Dad is still around us, he cannot bear to leave us but what can we do. He has left us and that is the fact.

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